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Telepathic Hallucinations |
Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission
of information from one person's mind to another's without using any known
human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was first coined in 1882
by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society
for Psychical Research (SPR), and has remained more popular than the
earlier expression thought-transference,
Telepath experiments have historically been criticized for a lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no good evidence that telepathy exists, and the topic is generally considered by the scientific community to be pseudoscience.
Telepath experiments have historically been criticized for a lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no good evidence that telepathy exists, and the topic is generally considered by the scientific community to be pseudoscience.According to historians such as Roger
Luckhurst and Janet Oppenheim, the origin of the concept of
telepathy in Western civilization can be traced to the late 19th
century and the formation of the Society for Psychical Research. As
the physical sciences made significant advances, scientific concepts were
applied to mental phenomena (e.g., animal magnetism), with the hope that
this would help to understand paranormal phenomena. The modern
concept of telepathy emerged in this context.
Another famous thought reader was the magician Stuart Cumberland. He was famous for performing blindfolded feats such as identifying a hidden object in a room that a person had picked out or asking someone to imagine a murder scene and then attempting to read the subject's thoughts and identify the victim and reenact the crime. Cumberland claimed to possess no genuine psychic ability and his thought-reading performances could only be demonstrated by holding the hand of his subject to read their muscular movements. He came into dispute with psychical researchers associated with the Society for Psychical Research who were searching for genuine cases of telepathy. Cumberland argued that both telepathy and communication with the dead were impossible and that the mind of man cannot be read through telepathy, but only by muscle reading.
When light waves coming from the eye, A, travel along the optic nerves and excite into activity the sight-centers—at B—we have the sensation of sight, as before said. Nerve currents then travel up the nerves, going from B to C, and in these higher centers, they are associated and analyzed, and we then “reflect” upon the thing seen, etc. This is the normal process of sight. Now, if the eye, or the optic nerves, or the sight-centers themselves become diseased, we still have the sensation of seeing, though there is no material object there; we have ordinary hallucinations of all kinds—delirium tremens, etc. If the sight centers are stimulated as much as they would be by the incoming nerve stimuli from the eye, we have “full-blown hallucinations.”
Now, it is obvious that one method of
stimulating the sight centers into activity is for a nervous current to come
downwards, along the nerves running from C to B. It is probable that something
of this sort takes place when we experience “memory pictures.” If you shut your
eyes and picture the face of some dear friend, you will be able to see it
before you more or less clearly. The higher psychical centers of the brain have
excited the sight-centers into a certain activity; and these have given us the
sensation of dim, inward sight. If the stimulus were stronger, we should have
cases of intense “visualization”; such as the figures which occur in the
crystal ball, etc.—they being doubtless produced in this manner.
Although the “sluice gates,” so to
speak, running from C to B is, therefore, always open slightly; they are never
open wide; it is not natural for them to be so. But if, under any great stress,
thought, or emotion, the downward nervous current was as strong as that
ordinarily running from A to B; then we should appear to see as clearly; the
object would appear just as solid and real and outstanding to us as any other
entity. We should experience a “full-blown hallucination.”
All this being so, it is almost natural
to suppose that one method by which these psychical sluice gates could be more
widely opened would be under the impact of a telepathic impulse. If we assume
that this in some manner arouses into instantaneous and great activity the
higher psychical centers (C), these would very probably communicate this impulse
to B—downwards, along the nerve tracts connecting the two (or to the hearing
centers, when we should experience an auditory hallucination, and hear our name
spoken, etc.). In this way we could account for a telepathic hallucination,
originating in this manner; and it is sure to be supposed that, at the moment
of death, some peculiar quickening of the mental and spiritual life takes
place—the peculiar flashes of memory by those drowning, etc., seeming to show
So, then, we arrive at a sort of
explanation of many of these cases of apparitions, occurring at the moment of
death; for we have shown them to be “telepathic hallucinations.” This is also
the correct explanation, doubtless, for many cases in which apparitions of the
living have been seen—in which a phantasm of a living person has appeared to
another, during sleep, or in a hypnotic trance, etc. But how about those ghosts
which appear sometime after death? They, at least, cannot be explained by any
such theory. What has been said by way of explanation of these cases? It will
be remembered that telepathy is the basis of the explanation thus far. Let us
extend this. We have only to suppose that the spirit of man survives the shock
of death and that it can continue to exert its powers and capacities also. For,
if a living mind can influence the living by telepathy; why not a “dead” one?
Why should not the surviving spirit of man continue to influence us, by
telepathy? If they could, we should still have cases of telepathic hallucinations—induced
from the mind of a discarnate, not an incarnate, spirit. The “ghost” might
still be a telepathic hallucination. And if several persons saw the figure at
once, we should, on this theory, have a case of collective hallucination—in
which one mind affected all the rest equally and simultaneously
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