Pharaoh's voyage and amazing discovering about the facts after death

Pharaohs voyage and amazing discovering about the facts after death
Pharaoh's voyage and amazing discovering about the facts after death
The ancient Egyptians' attitude towards death was influenced by their belief in immortality. They regarded death as a temporary interruption, rather than the cessation of life. 
To ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods, both during and after their life on earth. 
When they died, they were mummified so the soul would return to the body, giving it breath and life. 
Household equipment and food and drink were placed on offering tables outside the tomb's burial chamber to provide for the person's needs in the afterworld. 
Written funerary texts consisting of spells or prayers were also included to assist the dead on their way to the afterworld.

To prepare the deceased for the journey to the afterworld, the "opening of the mouth" ceremony was performed on the mummy and the mummy case by priests. 
This elaborate ritual involved purification, censing (burning incense), anointing, and incantations, and touching the mummy with ritual objects to restore the senses -- the ability to speak, touch, see, smell, and hear. 
The "opening of the mouth" ceremony dates back to at least the Pyramid Age. 
It was originally performed on statues of the kings in their mortuary temples. 
By the 18th dynasty (New Kingdom), it was being performed on mummies and mummy cases.
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The journey to the afterworld was considered full of danger. Traveling on a solar bark, the mummy passed through the underworld, which was inhabited by serpents armed with long knives, fire-spitting dragons, and reptiles with five ravenous heads. 
Upon arriving in the realm of the Duat (Land of the Gods), the deceased had to pass through seven gates, reciting accurately a magic spell at each stop. 
If successful, they arrived at the Hall of Osiris, the place of judgment. 
Here the gods of the dead performed the "weighing of the heart" ceremony to judge whether the person's earthly deeds were virtuous. 
The heart weighing was overseen by the jackal-headed god Anubis, and the judgment was recorded by Thoth, the god of writing. 
Forty-two gods listened to the confessions of the deceased who claimed to be innocent of crimes against the divine and human social order. 
The person's heart was then placed on a scale, counterbalanced by a feather representing Maat, the goddess of truth and justice.

If the heart was equal in weight to the feather, the person was justified and achieved immortality. 
If not, it was devoured by the goddess Amemet. This meant that the person would not survive in the afterlife. 
When a pharaoh passed the test, he became one with the god Osiris. He then traveled through the underworld on a solar bark, accompanied by the gods, to reach paradise and attain everlasting life.
Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Civilization knowledge


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